World overview
File Summary: North Africa, Ahsarah. Capital city - Markaziyy City. The country is divided into many regions, including Brakkesh, Space City, Xalteva,Layali Grove and Zero Dam. The former government, in an effort to address the energy crisis, partnered with the international Haavk Corporation, which presented itself as a force for global technological progress. However, as Haavk tightened its grip, tensions with the conservative Ahsarah Guard escalated, eventually leading to the collapse of the government and the outbreak of all-out war. This division is reflected in the architectural styles of Ahsarah—Haavk-controlled regions boast modern, sophisticated structures driven by advanced technology, while areas under the Ahsarah Guard retain a more traditional appearance. In 2035, G.T.I. debuted with a mission to keep the peace, but their arrival further complicated the situation in Ahsarah.
File Summary:
Region occupied by Haavk. Tundra, frozen rocks, icebergs and fire attracted Haavk corp here. They built a spire on top of the mountain—a facility of immense value and a critical strategic high ground.
Land on the beach, climb the ridge, get to the spire. Plan each step on the way up carefully - your life depends on it.
File Summary:
A critical path in the coastal desert. War completely tore this barren desert city apart, leaving it scarred and shattered. The smoke of gunpowder has never been extinguished, and the ashes still smolder.
Follow the road that runs through the city, weaving through alleys and between buildings to reach your objectives.
File Summary:
The border where Europe meets Africa, a world-renowned seaport, Haavk's sea wall and climate research base... These prominent titles transformed into the infamous "Global Storm Center" following a mysterious maritime disaster.
Make use of the dual carriageway and bunkers along the way, and coordinate infantry and tanks for the attack.
The world's largest hydroelectric power plant, known globally as the "great engineering and architectural miracle" of Ahsarah. It was also the starting point of the cooperation between Haavk and the Ahsarah royal family, commissioned by the former King Diwan Faheem to promote the domestic economic recovery. The plant's construction spanned seven years and was completed in 2018. The first Mandelbrick was deployed as the processing core, and Haavk's ERAIS (Equal Resource Artificial Intelligence System) prototype was used to control and regulate resources to supply water and electricity to the entirety of Ahsarah. Additionally, the dam area was envisioned as a key tourist destination for the nation.
Unfortunately, civil war prevented this, and the Ahsarah Guard has now taken control of the area.
Originally owned by the indigenous people of Ahsarah, Layali Grove once featured infrastructure and attractions such as waterside forests, railways, docks, and luxury hotels designed to draw tourists. By 2030, however, Ahsarah faced bankruptcy, prompting Haavk to exploit the situation by gaining state control through debt acquisition. However, after Haavk’s predictive AI determined that the region lacked sufficient value for recovery, it was abandoned, with only the northwest facilities under the corporation’s control remaining operational.
Nowadays, most of the area is occupied by the local resistance organization Ahsarah Guard, and has been in a long-term state of separatism.
The once-dilapidated space center of Ahsarah. In 2022, Haavk reached an agreement with the Ahsarah government to take over the site to develop asteroid mining technology, with construction of the center completed in 2029. During the opening ceremony, the Ahsarah Guard launched an attack, killing a large number of people, but this did not stop Haavk. After upgrading security and regaining control, the space city rapidly became operational, with dazzling launch operations sending numerous satellites into orbit. Fully loaded rockets regularly fell into the coastal area of Ahsarah and were quickly recovered and processed...
It's now a key launch base for Haavk Corp.
An important port city in Ahsarah, home to the headquarters of Haavk Corporation and the iconic 1,500-meter Haavk Spire, the tallest building in the world. The city was designed with a vision of blending advanced technology with local culture, welcoming people from diverse backgrounds to create a harmonious community. Starting with the construction of the Haavk Spire, the city was transformed. The streets and city walls reveal a strong historical and cultural atmosphere, and the city is full of open-air markets...
However, the violent conflict that broke out in 2035 put an end to the project. The city was divided into two parts, with Haavk controlling the modern district and the Ahsarah Guard occupying the old city. Brakkesh has since become a separated zone.
Coming Soon

File Summary: The world's largest technology leader by market value in 2035, with businesses covering computing, logistics, and AI development. Founder and CEO, Jacob Haavk, inherited his parents' legacy and set Haavk's ultimate vision of achieving a resource-equal society to improve the lives of global citizens. The group started by mass-producing logistics software for transport companies. After CTO, Bashir, joined in 2007, the group rapidly started developing an AI technology platform before launchhing the pillars on which Haavk would build their utopian society - the Equal Resource Artificial Intelligence System (ERIAS), and MandelBrick. Haavk chose to cooperate with the government in power in Ahsarah, using Asara as the first experimental field.

Security Director Anais Desmoulins Anais Desmoulins
[Active Area]Haavk
Character Profile:
Anais Desmoulins, a former fighter pilot and astronaut, is the Director of Security for Haavk. She is known for her unique focus and ruthless efficiency.
In 2029, Anais and her seven-year-old daughter, Cami, attended the opening ceremony of Space City in Ahsarah. During the event, a remote bomb planted by the Ahsarah Guard detonated, leaving Anais severely injured. She lost an eye and suffered damage to her vocal cords while shielding Bashir Warabe from the blast. When she awoke in Haavk’s hospital, she learned that Jacob Haavk had ensured her daughter’s safety. He then pledged to use cutting-edge technology to restore her sight and voice. Deeply grateful, Anais accepted his help.
With Haavk’s resources, Anais regained her ability to speak, relying on an artificial electronic larynx. She then accepted a position with Haavk as their Security Director, leading their LAW (Lethal Autonomous Weapon) Project. By 2035, Anais had been stationed in Ahsarah for five years, where she was responsible for monitoring Ahsarah Guard operations and protecting Haavk’s assets. She maintains a high level of loyalty to Jacob Haavk and his company, leading with an aggressive management style to ensure that the events of Space City are never repeated.

Neural Doctor Rometheus Rometheus
[Codename]Dr. R
[Armament]Personal Convoy
[Active Area]Brakkesh
Character Profile:
Rometheus's ambition to improve the world has never wavered, but a series of personal tragedies profoundly reshaped him. He witnessed his homeland and its federation fracture and collapse due to a referendum, leading to decline, war, and chaos. His once-promising scientific research, aimed at benefiting humanity, was derailed by public selfishness, shortsightedness, and rampant individualism, ultimately resulting in failure and bloodshed. These experiences transformed him from an idealistic and fragile scholar into a brain-machine scientist advocating for order and authority. This shift led him to join Haavk's grand vision of building a resource-equal society.
He became a "superman," thinking and acting with a mind that surpasses ordinary comprehension, equipped with the most cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge, and guided by a vision for the destiny of all humanity.

The Haavk army's defensive unit. Provides cover and protection for fellow Haavk soldiers, shielding themselves and their squadmates from enemy actions. An impregnable defense line against any attack.

Haavk Sniper
The Haavk army's long-range attack unit. Armed with precision firearms and expert marksmanship to carry out recon, assassination, target acquisition, tactical support, and other sniping missions.

Machine Gunner
The Haavk army's heavy armor unit. Skilled in heavy artillery, they're the backbone of Haavk's offensive might, providing continuous firepower to suppress the enemy and protect allies.

The Haavk army's heavy armor unit. Skilled in heavy artillery, they're the backbone of Haavk's offensive might, providing continuous firepower to suppress the enemy and protect allies.

The world's largest technology leader by market value in 2035, with businesses covering computing, logistics, and AI development. Founder and CEO, Jacob Haavk, inherited his parents' legacy and set Haavk's ultimate vision of achieving a resource-equal society to improve the lives of global citizens. The group started by mass-producing logistics software for transport companies. After CTO, Bashir, joined in 2007, the group rapidly started developing an AI technology platform before launchhing the pillars on which Haavk would build their utopian society - the Equal Resource Artificial Intelligence System (ERIAS), and MandelBrick. Haavk chose to cooperate with the government in power in Ahsarah, using Asara as the first experimental field.

Ahsarah Guard Boss: Reis
[Codename]Abyss Shark
[Affiliation]Ahsarah Guard
[Active Area]Layali Grove
[Armament]Triple-Barrel Shotgun
Character Profile:
Khalil Reis, a native of Ahsarah, boasts a strong build and a flamboyant personality. He is notoriously vain and quick to fight.
Born into one of Ahsarah's most prestigious and wealthy families, Reis was sent abroad for his university studies, where he developed a passion for opera.
Upon his return, his father donated most of the family's fortune to the government and influential groups, steadily paving the way for Reis's political ascent, which ultimately led to his role as Ahsarah's military commander.
However, as a commander, Reis was constantly at odds with the former sultan of Ahsarah. When Haavk entered Ahsarah, Reis and his family emerged as prominent opponents of the corporation, which gradually weakened their influence. Realizing the shifting tides, Reis leveraged his military authority to accumulate wealth, indulge his material desires, and uphold his family’s status. This eventually led to his dismissal by the former sultan. Following his removal, Reis reinvented himself as an arms dealer and smuggler.
After Yousef overthrew the former sultan's regime, Reis joined his Ahsarah Guard.

Zero Dam Boss: Saeed Ziaten
[Codename]Fiery Owl
[Affiliation]Ahsarah Guard
[Active Area]Zero Dam
Character Profile:
Saeed Ziaten was born in a village and raised by his father, who made a living as a hunter. When the civil war in Ahsarah escalated, Haavk backed a rival faction, enabling them to invade and massacre Saeed's village. Saeed's father was killed in the attack, and though Saeed narrowly escaped, he was left with horrible scars.
For years after that, Saeed roamed near the forest, looking for a chance to exact vengeance. His life took a turn when he rescued a high-ranking officer of the Ahsarah Guard, who offered him a place among the Guard. There, Saeed was indoctrinated to believe that Haavk was responsible for every tragedy he had endured. He underwent military training, armed himself with advanced weapons, and carried out multiple assassinations, kidnappings, and raids on behalf of the Ahsarah Guard.
With his skills recognized, Saeed was granted his own squad and assigned to guard Zero Dam.

Ahsarah Machine Gunner
An Ahsarah Guard soldier responsible for carrying and operating heavy machine guns. Performs fire suppression, provides cover, and attacks enemy targets in battle.

Ahsarah Rocketeer
An Ahsarah Guard soldier responsible for carrying and operating heavy machine guns. Performs fire suppression, provides cover, and attacks enemy targets in battle.

Ahsarah Flamethrower
The Haavk army's heavy armor unit. Skilled in heavy artillery, they're the backbone of Haavk's offensive might, providing continuous firepower to suppress the enemy and protect allies.

Ahsarah Guard Shieldbearer
The Ahsarah Guard's defense unit. A tough shieldbearer that provides protection for squadmates and draws enemy fire.

File Summary: As the conflict between Haavk and the Ahsarah Guard escalated, the international community became deeply concerned with the state of affairs in Ahsarah. In response, major world powers reached a consensus to establish a unified alliance composed of elite special forces from across the globe: the Global Threat Initiative (G.T.I.). This organization was created to deploy globally, providing rapid response and resolution to threats jeopardizing global stability. A task force of G.T.I. was deployed deep into Ahsarah to establish the Black Site and prepare for long-term operations in the region. Alongside their duties of stabilizing the region, they have been charged with collecting evidence of Haavk's crimes that may endanger international security and humanity, ensuring a definitive resolution to the crisis Haavk poses to Ahsarah and the world.

D-wolf Kai Silva
- Dispatch recommendation
- Major Kai Silva is a seasoned combat veteran with extensive experience in overseas deployment missions. After recovering from injuries sustained in North Africa, he was officially recruited by the G.T.I. and became the first user of the organization’s newly developed motorized exoskeleton system. Silva's bold and efficient fighting style is suited to the challenging and perilous environment of Ahsarah. It is hoped that he will be able to serve as the organizer and leader of the special G.T.I. team sent to Ahsarah.
Motorized Exoskeleton
- The motorized exoskeleton, developed by G.T.I. North America, has a special overload mode that calls on highly sensitive gesture recognition, and a sophisticated power-assisted system at each joint, allowing the wearer to run at full speed for a limited period of time. D-wolf integrated the triple-blaster and exoskeleton power overload activation device into a right-hand ring pull, allowing activation of the devices through hand gesture detection.
Triple Blaster "Cerberus"
- The Triple Blaster, AKA "Cerberus" is capable of firing 3 30mm anti-tank grenades at once. The prototype was originally designed as an under-slung rifle grenade. Following a suggestion from D-wolf, the R&D department modified it to fit the exoskeleton as an additional weapon to make use of it in combat more convenient.

Luna Luna Kim
- Dispatch recommendation
- Luna Kim is a special operations officer with excellent reconnaissance skills. As a former intelligence officer and professional athlete, she excels in gathering and analyzing information while demonstrating unmatched proficiency with a bow. Her stable and discreet combat style enables her team to quickly gain battlefield intelligence, formulate precise strategies, and effectively execute long-range, wide-area missions. Given the unique nature of her combat equipment, regular maintenance by engineers is strongly recommended.
Volt Arrow
- Luna's unique Compound Bow is made of strong military materials, resulting in a slight increase in weight but ensuring stability in complex combat environments. The Compound Bow is equipped with two special arrows, the Detection Arrow, which emits sonar pulses to detect dynamic targets while in flight, and the Volt Arrow, which releases a high voltage current when it comes into contact with a surface. The structure of the contact head of the Volt Arrow can also be adjusted on-the-fly to allow it to bounce off a surface before activating.

Stinger Roy Smee
- Dispatch recommendation
- Roy Smee is a natural medic with a belief in the importance of life, expert medical support skills, and a determination to make a difference. These qualities propelled him from a street youth to an ordinary soldier in the Special Forces Support Group, and ultimately, to a respected member of the Special Forces. His positive attitude and cheerful personality uplift team morale, while his medical expertise ensures the health and endurance of his squad, enabling them to remain operational in the field for extended periods.
Hive-Tech Pistol
- The Hive-Tech Pistol is designed for rapid healing applications, storing nanobots in a cryogenic liquid. These nanobots are propelled through a pneumatic launcher. Equipped with an intelligent targeting module, the Hive-Tech Pistol can swiftly identify and track the positions of allies who are equipped with recognition devices. This allows for real-time trajectory adjustments during firing, facilitating timely and precise delivery of healing to friendly forces.
Hive-Tech Smoke Grenade
- The primary distinction of the Hive-Tech Smoke Grenade from conventional smoke grenades lies in its emission of a special aerogel. This aerogel facilitates the adherence and activation of healing nanobots within the smoke-covered area.
Smokescreen Drone
- The Smokescreen Drone can be directed through gesture control, releasing smoke during flight. Equipped with cameras for intelligent obstacle navigation, this drone is designed for single-use, which significantly reduces the space allocated for the battery. Consequently, its flight range is extremely limited.

Shepherd Terry Musa
- Dispatch recommendation
- If there's one factor that ensures a team's longevity, it's definitely having an engineer like Terry Musa. His drones and sonic traps help the team establish superior defenses in unfamiliar environments. Before heading to Ahsarah, Terry made it a point to thoroughly understand each team member, covering not only equipment maintenance, but also their personalities and preferences. As he often says, "Pay attention to your enemies, but pay even more attention to your friends."
Sonic Trap
- Shepherd, with his extensive combat experience and engineering expertise, participated in the development of a miniaturized sonic weapon project two years ago. He equipped the tail of the drone with a deployable sonic generator and designed a compact and convenient non-lethal sonic trap. The drone base, located on the arm, features a display and control panel for easier manipulation of both the drone and the trap. The sonic generator not only significantly suppresses enemies but can also emit anti-phase sound waves to mitigate the impact of nearby explosions.

Vyron Vyron
- Dispatch recommendation
- Wang Yuhao's training was unlike that of conventional combat personnel. His exceptional physical fitness, balance, and reaction skills set him apart as a one-in-a-million candidate. These qualities earned him a role in the development and testing of a proprietary individual combat system. Following a series of successful missions, he was transferred to the Marine Special Forces, where he participated in numerous overseas peacekeeping operations and earned several accolades in international military competitions. For the mission to Ahsarah, Wang Yuhao was evaluated as the optimal candidate from multiple perspectives. His tactical acumen and specialized equipment make him the perfect choice for resolving complex situations and breaking through deadlocks.
QLL32 Crouching Tige
- Named after the famous ancient long-range "Crouching Tiger" firearm, this shoulder-mounted grenade launcher - QLL32 - is mainly used for deterrence and suppression in peacekeeping and riot control operations. Engraved with the Qin seal of "Crouching Tiger", the launcher fires a compressed air projectile that can instantly bring down all enemies within its area of effect.
Dynamic Auxiliary Device
- The Dynamic Auxiliary Device is equipped with the latest posture recognition system, which quickly determines Vyron's posture and movement trends, adjusting the nozzle direction and jet intensity to facilitate targeted and rapid displacement on the battlefield. When falling from height, the device automatically turns on to provide cushioning. Additionally, it can enhance Vyron’s movement speed. Vyron has participated in numerous peacekeeping operations with this device, its high maneuverability providing him with exceptional tactical flexibility.
Magnetic Bomb
- The Magnetic Bomb has a built-in electromagnet that can be activated to allow it to attach to ferrous metal surfaces. The bomb's delayed detonation makes it suitable for use in a variety of different scenarios. In addition, its weight and casing have been optimized to allow it to be thrown further than conventional plastic explosives.

Uluru David Fletcher
- Dispatch recommendation
- David Fletcher is a seasoned combatant and chemical expert, with a fierce side that is unleashed on the battlefield. He favors heavy firepower and aggressive assault tactics, utilizing his Alligator-200 Loitering Munitions launcher to bombard enemies, and Quick Curing Concrete Jetting System to create temporary cover when pushing forward. When you need someone to make some bold moves on the field, David's the man to call forward.
Alligator-200 Loitering Munitions Launcher
- The Alligator-200 is capable of delivering strikes against enemy targets at close, medium, and long range. Uluru is one of few soldiers familiar with the characteristics of targets at varying combat ranges that allow him to accurately deploy the launcher. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the Alligator, precision isn’t its strongest attribute, instead relying on fierce firepower during advancements to strike fear into the most hardened of enemies.
Quick Curing Concrete Jetting System (QCCJS)
- A rapid defense system developed by Uluru himself. When a QCCJS projectile makes impact, it releases a thin layer of foam that quickly coagulates to form a temporary concrete bunker. The liquid currently reacts in 1.02 seconds, but the G.T.I. T&E Lab is working to optimize the formula and bring that time down to less than 1 second.

Hackclaw Mai Xiaowen
- Dispatch recommendation
- The perfect problem solver who will keep their cool in stressful situations. Mai Xiaowen possesses highly advanced technical skills and knowledge, with a seemingly neverending eagerness to figure out any new system or device that she comes across. Though she is fearfully private, unwilling to share any of her own values and details, her ability to unveil hidden information makes her a vital asset in the modern age of information warfare.
Signal Decoder
- Hackclaw's Signal Decoder consists of two parts: an external decoder and matching lenses. The decoder accurately captures electronic signals of devices within range and hacks into them. This carefully designed intrusion code quickly obtains basic information about the device and decodes the signal into a visual path that is displayed on the lenses worn by Hackclaw.
Flash Drone
- The Flash Drone has the abilities of both automated recon and attack. Once activated, it can also synchronize with path signals located by the Signal Decoder. After tracking and detecting a target, it emits an intense light of 8,000,000 candelas, causing temporary visual impairment and dizziness to the target.
Data Knife
- At first glance, it appears to be a military throwing knife made of special spring steel, that can easily pierce conventional body armor in medium to close range combat. Hackclaw’s Data Knife, however, has a micro data processor built into its handle that inserts a virus program into hardware it penetrates, disrupting the operation of enemy devices.

Toxik Zoya Pomkenchova
- Dispatch recommendation
- Zoya Pomkenchova, despite coming from a background as a technical researcher, has been known to display a passion for combat that surpasses that of other combat personnel. All of her research projects share the goal of assisting combat, and she takes initiative in taking on missions, qualities stemming from her family's military background. Zoya's abilities represent the perfect combination of modern neurochemistry and drone warfare, making her a uniquely formidable support operator.
Dragonfly Swarm System
- The Dragonfly Swarm System is an advanced tactical drone cluster inspired by the principles of biological swarm behavior. This coordinated swarm behavior enables the drones to work in perfect sync and adapt seamlessly to battlefield conditions, significantly improving their attack efficiency.
- Each "Dragonfly" drone is equipped with a neural disruptor developed by Zoya herself. This chemical agent messes with enemies' sensory and bodily functions by stimulating their nervous system. It dulls their vision and hearing and can even make it hard for them to breathe or control their heartbeat.
- Zoya's "Dragonfly" drones are equipped with quantities of her military-protected Adreno-Boost formula. When the time calls for it, her Dragonflies are capable of targeting teammates, injecting them with the Adreno-Boost, a neurological compound that temporarily enhances reflexes and muscle control, significantly improving firearm handling and accuracy.
Blinding Gas
- Still in the prototype stage, Blinding Gas Grenades differ to conventional Smoke Grenades in that they create a cloud of special gas that causes blindess to those who inhale it. In battle, Zoya's teammates are injected with a serum that provides immunization to the effects of the gas.
File Summary: The global tech giant Haavk Corporation envisions creating a resource-equal society and improving the lives of global citizens. It has been traveling non-stop to strategic locations and high-value resource areas around the world to deploy advanced facilities, establish cutting-edge experimental bases, or build rock-solid military fortresses to drive its grand vision forward. At the same time, the Global Threat Initiative (G.T.I.), jointly established by various countries as a defender of world peace, bears the responsibility of swiftly addressing global crises and ensuring stability and security. Viewing Haavk as a primary threat, G.T.I. has designated it as a key target and is determined to take decisive military action against the corporation. To this end, the two camps have fallen into fierce battle around the globe, affecting the fate of the world.
File Summary: In order to prevent the conflict in Ahsarah from evolving into a global war, G.T.I. must focus not only on maintaining local stability but also on gathering critical intel against Haavk. However, Ahsarah is now under complete lockdown. Haavk's extensive network blankets the entire region, making it nearly impossible for G.T.I. to gather intel remotely through satellites or other technologies. At the same time, the Ahsarah Guard controls most major roads and refuses any form of diplomacy until order is fully restored. As a result, G.T.I. sent a special force deep into Ahsarah and established the Black Site as a covert base. From this base, they carry out a range of operations, including investigation, recon, and targeted attacks, while reporting operational data to assist in analyzing and managing the evolving situation in Ahsarah.